Monday, 29 May 2017

Best Water Purifier for Homes in India

To decide on the best water purifier for home in India there are a lot of parameters to look for,  like water TDS, water supply, types of purifiers available, and also a few other things. In this article we will go through some of these.
As a starting point, you will need to know more about the source of water to your home as only then you will be able to decide on the kind of water purifier that will be the most suitable for your home. To test the type of water supply at your home there are various methods available that use the TDS meter, and allow you to submit a sample of your water to a laboratory to test it. Water testing kits are also available.
Following are some of the simple water testing methods:
1.      The TDS meter will let you find out the amount of total dissolved salts in your water supply. Water with a low TDS level is suitable for drinking. You can also use the HM-TDS-3 water meter for checking the TDS level.
2.      You can use the water testing kits available in the market. These water testing kits take approximately 24 hours to report the presence or absence of germs or viruses  in the water.
3.      The above tests may be more than reliable in informing you about the quality of water, but if you are still not very satisfied you may visit the nearest laboratory and get the water sample tested.

There are four different types of water purifiers available in the market
1. Reverse osmosis water filter These water purifiers are optimal for water that has a high level of TDS, ranging between 500 to 2000 ppm. RO purifiers are most commonly used in houses because they are able to remove all the different kinds of impurities from water such as bacteria, dissolved salts, and germs.
2. UV or ultraviolet purifiers–Ultraviolet purifiers are best suited for treating water that may contain viruses, bacteria, or the microorganisms that may cause different waterborne diseases.
3. Universal water purifiers–The universal water purifiers have a combination of different purification techniques like the UF, UV, RO, and activated carbon that can provide almost 100% clean and pure water.
4. Gravity water purifiers– The gravity-based purifiers make use of gravity to clean water. They are most suited for water with low levels of TDS or if you are looking for a low budget buy.  Their prices range between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000. Most importantly, they can function without electricity which RO and UV filters need. Gravity-based water purifiers may not be as effective as the ones that run on electricity and hence they are not suited for water supply which has a lot of impurities.

Other than the above points, there are certain other things to look for in a water purifier:
1.      All the different types of water purifiers like UV, RO, or the universal water purifiers need a continuous and steady electricity supply to function effectively. Some of these water purifiers come with a built-in water tank that is capable of storing filtered water, and can be useful even at times of electricity failure.
2.      All the water purifiers whether electric or not, do require regular maintenance. Hence, it is imperative to check for the company profile and also the different reviews and ratings online to get a good sense of the service support. The RO water purifiers require an extra pump if there is not enough pressure in the water supply.
3.      The RO UV water purifier suffer from a significant disadvantage in that they filter only half the water and waste the other half. For example, for every 2 litres of water filtered the output is only for 1 litre and the other 1 litre is wasted in the process.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

How to protect your child against allergens?

Though Indian parents usually ignore this fact, but the increasing rate of allergies in children is an alarming cause for concern. And the root of such a grave problem is the lack of good air purifiers.
Luckily, we have some solutions for you:

Preventing Environmental Allergies and Asthma

Specific airborne substances can build up allergies and asthma symptoms, but decreasing the rate of contact with such substances at a young age can prevent these symptoms. A great research has been conducted in this field against dust mites.
Use allergen proof covers for pillows and mattresses.
Interior humidity should be below 50%
Use good air purifiers for advanced protection against such allergens

Pets are a good influence for your children, but they are also harmful for their allergies. Early life exposure to animals can develop allergies and asthma, but there are still some factors to be considered in this case. More recent research seems to show that early exposure to animals (cats and dogs in particular) may actually protect children from developing these diseases. Newer research also suggests children raised on farms develop fewer allergies and asthma.
Talk with your physician to determine what is best for you and your family.

Smoking is not just injurious to your own health but dangerous to your children’s health too. It’s important that you keep your children away from tobacco smoke from an early age. If the mother smokes during pregnancy, it increases the chances for the child to develop the symptoms of asthma or allergies at an early age after birth.

Other solutions

Breast feeding for at least six months strengthens the child’s immunity system to fight against these harmful allergens.
It is necessary to seek the right help if you see the symptoms of allergies developing in your child. An immunologist is a medical professional who specializes in the treatment of such grave allergens, asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Air purifiers that have met the strict regulations and have attained HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) certification will filter out both big and small particles; this is especially important for people who suffer from asthma or allergies.


Various methods of allergy testing can be implemented to prevent or detect symptoms of Asthma and Allergies. Some of them include: Massive allergy tests, Applied Kinesiology, cytotoxity testing, skin titration, provocative and neutralization testing or sublingual provocation.  

Benefits of using air purifiers:

Air filtration is frequently recommended as a component of environmental control measures for patients with allergic respiratory disease. Residential air filtration can be provided by whole house filtration via the home’s heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system, by portable room air cleaners, or a combination of the two. Appliances to filter the sleep breathing zone also have been developed. High-efficiency whole house filtration, high-efficiency particulate air sleep zone air filtration, and high-efficiency particulate air room air cleaners all appear to provide various degrees of benefit. Recent studies of various types of filtration, used alone or as part of more comprehensive environmental control measures, are reviewed.

HEPA air purifiers have 70% more chances of protecting your child from harmful diseases than any other measure you can take.
They clean the air at a much higher rate than any other method, which has been proved through various studies.

Healthy Tips

• Breast-feeding exclusively for the first four to six months, or using a hypoallergenic formula, may strengthen the immune system while delaying or preventing atopic dermatitis and milk allergy.
• Restricting a mother's diet during pregnancy or while breast-feeding has not been shown to help prevent the development of allergies.
• Solid foods should be introduced gradually between four to six months of age. Egg, dairy, peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish can be gradually introduced after less allergenic foods have been tolerated. In fact, delaying the introduction of these foods may increase your baby’s risk of developing allergies.
• Reducing exposure to some allergens, such as dust mites, may delay or prevent allergy or asthma symptoms.

• Exposure to tobacco smoke before and after birth increases your infant's risk of developing wheezing and asthma.
• Pets or any other animals should be kept away from the new born baby till he/she is a bit older.

Are you neglecting your health?

The most basic need of your house becomes the most neglected, right? We’re talking about water purifiers. It sounds silly but we all have been there. When it comes to water purifiers, we either trust the salesmen at the stores or we tend to go for the cheapest ones while ignoring the specifications. Let’s break it down for you, so the next time you or your neighbor is looking to buy a water purifier, you put your health first and make the informed choice.
Have you ever pondered that we’re all so finicky about the kind of movies we watch, the kind of pizza we eat: thin crust or pan pizza? Why aren’t we the same with water or water purifiers to be precise? It’s the most basic yet essential requirement in our homes. Water borne diseases are detrimental to your overall health. So it should take more than just clingy salesmen to help you decide on the perfect water purifier. Agree?
We know what you’re thinking. No, all home water purifiers are not the same. Their efficiency and method of purification may vary and that can make a lot of difference in the quality and taste of the water. Let me give you an example, have you ever tasted water somewhere other than your home, maybe at a hotel and felt that the taste was a little off? Even if you were sure that the water was purified using a purifier, you could tell the difference, right? The fact is that all purifiers don’t work the same and are not equally efficient in providing you good quality of water. Don’t worry if you’re feeling a little lost here. We’re here to ease your concerns. We’ll cover all the bases so you don’t have to neglect your health unknowingly.

What are the methods of water purification?

All water purifiers adopt different purification methods. Some purifiers use RO (Reverse osmosis) technology alone to purify water while others may use carbon filter technology. All Moonbow water purifiers come with a 3-step purification process which involves a conjunction of Reverse osmosis, carbon filter and UV filtering. It is a comprehensive purification system that gives you pure water with no compromises. You’d be surprised to know that the ‘Post Carbon filter’ in our purifiers enhances the taste of the water too. The Hexa Pure technology ensures a 6-stage purification process to give you good tasting quality water.  
   ·   Which is the best kind of Home Water Purifier for me?

There are different factors that will help you decide on the water purifier you should buy for your home. Based on your budget and daily water usage, you can select from these home water purifiers. The best part is that you can order these systems online. If you’re still confused then you can even book a free demo for the water purifiers. That ought to help you zero in on the perfect home water purifier. [Link to demo]

Value for Money: Ezili 

High Storage: Achelous

Feature-Packed: Achelous Premium

·   What is Hexa Pure technology?

It’s a cutting edge 6 Stage Water Purification Technology that purifies water using a perfect combination of powerful technologies and processes. The result is the purest of water, perfect for consumption and cooking. The mineral fortified water also tastes good and is not devoid of any essential minerals. If you’re wondering what these processes are, check out all the stages through which water is purified using Hexa Pure Technology.

  1.    Ultrafine Sediment Filter: Removes mud and other dust particles from water
  2.    Absorbent Pre Carbon Filter: Reduces chlorine and organic impurities
  3.    Superior RO (Reverse Osmosis) Wall: Removes hardness and other harmful chemicals from the water
  4.    Germ Eliminator UV (Ultra Violet): Removes all bacteria and viruses
  5.    Post Carbon Filtration: Enhances the Taste of water
  6.    Mineral Fortification: Adds essential minerals to water

·       Health vs. Budget

We’ve heard a lot of customers saying “why not just get a cheaper purifier if our budget doesn’t allow”. It’s a valid concern. To answer this, think of Purifiers as long term investments. Cheaper purifiers need repairs and maintenance more often than a quality Moonbow water purifier. Generic water purifiers do NOT cater to all water purification needs. A comprehensive water purification system makes sure that every sip is 100% pure and tastes good too. We believe that health must never be compromised. At the end of the day, if you plan to invest your money, invest it towards your health.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

A Wake-up Call: Staggering rise in Pollution and its effects

At the dawn of the industrial age, there has been a gradual and steady depreciation in the atmosphere. The main cause for such a change is fur to the over-exploitation of carbon resources like fossil fuels which is used for the generation of energy and transportation.
The major problem faced by developed and developing nations alike is Air Pollution. Studies have found that air pollution that has risen to a new level is the major cause for health problems around the world. Though these effects vary from place to place and person to person, it is the poor quality of air that is causing respiratory diseases like Asthma, which is a major problem in large parts of the world. But it is not just the low quality of air outside, but also the poor quality of air found inside homes, majorly in metropolitan cities that is also leading to fateful diseases. Though there are good quality HEPA air purifiers that are found in the market, people living in cities ignore such a grave problem amidst their daily lives. In the developing world highest, air pollution exposure happens indoors more than outdoors, giving way to major respiratory diseases like Asthma.

How does air pollution occur?

Combustion of various fossil fuels releases toxic gaseous pollutants, odours and SPM, such as dust, fumes, mist and smoke. These pollutants can cause severe damage to the environment and the people living in it. The largest sources of these pollutants is the usage of fossil fuels in various man-made necessities as energy generation, transportation and various other factories.
Smoke emitted from cars plays a major role in the pollution of the environment. This air pollution can lead to severe diseases if such gases are inhaled.  

The impact of air pollution:

A study conducted in 1952 after smoke and such gaseous elements affected a lot of people, showed that the change in the atmospheric structure was caused due to the gradual growth of industrialization. 
Air pollution caused inside homes in particular can cause hazardous health problems. Studies show that pollutants released indoors are hundred times more likely to cause diseases like lung cancer, than it is to likely happen outdoors. 
In countries like India, usage of biomass for energy consumption is more prevalent than in more developed countries. In rural areas where there is a lack of other energy sources people are still dependant on open fires for cooking and heating. Without a chimney in such houses, the risk factor of acquiring respiratory diseases increases tremendously. Even children are prone to these diseases while living in such harsh conditions. The main pollutant in this environment is SPM.
With each meal these families increase the consumption rate of such toxic materials like: carbon dioxide, polycyclic organic matter, and formaldehyde.

Air pollutants
Some of these gases can seriously and adversely affect the health of the population and should be given due attention by the concerned authority. The gases mentioned below are mainly outdoor air pollutants but some of them can and do occur indoor depending on the source and the circumstances.
Tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke generates a wide range of harmful chemicals and is a major cause of ill health, as it is known to cause cancer, not only to the smoker but affecting passive smokers too. It is well-known that smoking affects the passive smoker (the person who is in the vicinity of a smoker and is not himself/herself a smoker) ranging from burning sensation in the eyes or nose, and throat irritation, to cancer, bronchitis, severe asthma, and a decrease in lung function.

Biological pollutants. These are mostly allergens that can cause asthma, hay fever, and other allergic diseases. 
Volatile organic compounds. Volatile compounds can cause irritation of the eye, nose and throat. In severe cases there may be headaches, nausea, and loss of coordination. In the longer run, some of them are suspected to cause damage to the liver and other parts of the body.
Formaldehyde. Exposure causes irritation to the eyes, nose and may cause allergies in some people.
Lead. Prolonged exposure can cause damage to the nervous system, digestive problems, and in some cases cause cancer. It is especially hazardous to small children.
Radon. A radioactive gas that can accumulate inside the house, it originates from the rocks and soil under the house and its level is dominated by the outdoor air and also to some extent the other gases being emitted indoors. Exposure to this gas increases the risk of lung cancer.

Ozone. Exposure to this gas makes our eyes itch, burn, and water and it has also been associated with increase in respiratory disorders such as asthma. It lowers our resistance to colds and pneumonia.
Oxides of nitrogen. This gas can make children susceptible to respiratory diseases in the winters.
Carbon monoxide. CO (carbon monoxide) combines with haemoglobin to lessen the amount of oxygen that enters our blood through our lungs. The binding with other haeme proteins causes changes in the function of the affected organs such as the brain and the cardiovascular system, and also the developing foetus. It can impair our concentration, slow our reflexes, and make us confused and sleepy.
Sulphur dioxide. SO2 (sulphur dioxide) in the air is caused due to the rise in combustion of fossil fuels. It can oxidize and form sulphuric acid mist. SO2 in the air leads to diseases of the lung and other lung disorders such as wheezing and shortness of breath. Long-term effects are more difficult to ascertain as SO2 exposure is often combined with that of SPM.

SPM (suspended particulate matter). Suspended matter consists of dust, fumes, mist and smoke. The main chemical component of SPM that is of major concern is lead, others being nickel, arsenic, and those present in diesel exhaust. These particles when breathed in, lodge in our lung tissues and cause lung damage and respiratory problems. The importance of SPM as a major pollutant needs special emphasis as 
a) it affects more people globally than any other pollutant on a continuing basis; 
b) there is more monitoring data available on this than any other pollutant; 
c) more epidemiological evidence has been collected on the exposure to this than to any other pollutant.

To prevent yourself from such hazardous diseases it is advisable to use good air purifiers for your home for you and your family.  

Monday, 8 May 2017


If you are wanting to purchase a water purifier and are out to research which one would suit you and your home best then you are looking in the correct bearing. Be that as it may, before we simply ahead and comprehend the prerequisites of purchasing a water purifier, let us comprehend why we really require one.

Solid, clean, and unadulterated drinking water is a test that a dominant part of the total populace needs to overcome. While in past, individuals could drink water specifically from taps, today the same is not prescribed because of the different contaminants exhibit in it. For individuals living in remote groups where clean water sources are restricted, difficulties can be monstrous and affect personal satisfaction in critical ways.

Bubbling water is viable in dispensing with water-borne pathogens, yet it has no impact on chlorine and pimples show in the water, nor does it evacuate the sloppiness, or natural and inorganic debasements. Also, a great many people are uninformed that bubbled water, if chilled off in an open holder, will probably facilitate tainting.

Picking the best water purifier

There are various water channels in the market using different procedures to channel the water. This makes picking the correct water purifier for your home an overwhelming assignment.

Remember these three things while settling one:.

Viability: How adequately can the water purifier expel polluting influences without scaling and fouling, which can make harm the machine.

Costs: What is your financial plan and would you say you are getting the correct components for what you are paying? Over the top costs don't ensure outstanding item. Try not to get hoodwinked for a water purifier with less elements and proficiency.

Usability: Just owning a water purifier is insufficient, you should have the capacity to effectively utilize it too. Ask the same number of inquiries that you can like "What amount of time does it take to channel water?" , "by what means will we realize that the purifier needs adjusting?" "By what means will we know the purifier is breaking down?"

How to protect your child against allergens?

Though Indian parents usually ignore this fact, but the increasing rate of allergies in children is an alarming cause for concern. And the...