Sunday, 25 June 2017

How to protect your child against allergens?

Though Indian parents usually ignore this fact, but the increasing rate of allergies in children is an alarming cause for concern. And the root of such a grave problem is the lack of good air purifiers. 
Luckily, we have some solutions for you: 

Preventing Environmental Allergies and Asthma

Specific airborne substances can build up allergies and asthma symptoms, but decreasing the rate of contact with such substances at a young age can prevent these symptoms. A great research has been conducted in this field against dust mites. 
Use allergen proof covers for pillows and mattresses. 
Interior humidity should be below 50%
Use good air purifiers for advanced protection against such allergens  

Pets are a good influence for your children, but they are also harmful for their allergies. Early life exposure to animals can develop allergies and asthma, but there are still some factors to be considered in this case. More recent research seems to show that early exposure to animals (cats and dogs in particular) may actually protect children from developing these diseases. Newer research also suggests children raised on farms develop fewer allergies and asthma. 
Talk with your physician to determine what is best for you and your family.

Smoking is not just injurious to your own health but dangerous to your children’s health too. It’s important that you keep your children away from tobacco smoke from an early age. If the mother smokes during pregnancy, it increases the chances for the child to develop the symptoms of asthma or allergies at an early age after birth. 

Other solutions

Breast feeding for at least six months strengthens the child’s immunity system to fight against these harmful allergens. 
It is necessary to seek the right help if you see the symptoms of allergies developing in your child. An immunologist is a medical professional who specializes in the treatment of such grave allergens, asthma and other respiratory diseases. 
Air purifiers that have met the strict regulations and have attained HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) certification will filter out both big and small particles; this is especially important for people who suffer from asthma or allergies. 


Various methods of allergy testing can be implemented to prevent or detect symptoms of Asthma and Allergies. Some of them include: Massive allergy tests, Applied Kinesiology, cytotoxity testing, skin titration, provocative and neutralization testing or sublingual provocation.   

Benefits of using air purifiers:

Air filtration is frequently recommended as a component of environmental control measures for patients with allergic respiratory disease. Residential air filtration can be provided by whole house filtration via the home’s heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system, by portable room air cleaners, or a combination of the two. Appliances to filter the sleep breathing zone also have been developed. High-efficiency whole house filtration, high-efficiency particulate air sleep zone air filtration, and high-efficiency particulate air room air cleaners all appear to provide various degrees of benefit. Recent studies of various types of filtration, used alone or as part of more comprehensive environmental control measures, are reviewed.

HEPA air purifiers have 70% more chances of protecting your child from harmful diseases than any other measure you can take. 
They clean the air at a much higher rate than any other method, which has been proved through various studies. 

Healthy Tips

• Breast-feeding exclusively for the first four to six months, or using a hypoallergenic formula, may strengthen the immune system while delaying or preventing atopic dermatitis and milk allergy.
• Restricting a mother's diet during pregnancy or while breast-feeding has not been shown to help prevent the development of allergies.
• Solid foods should be introduced gradually between four to six months of age. Egg, dairy, peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish can be gradually introduced after less allergenic foods have been tolerated. In fact, delaying the introduction of these foods may increase your baby’s risk of developing allergies.
• Reducing exposure to some allergens, such as dust mites, may delay or prevent allergy or asthma symptoms.

• Exposure to tobacco smoke before and after birth increases your infant's risk of developing wheezing and asthma.
• Pets or any other animals should be kept away from the new born baby till he/she is a bit older. 

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

How Water Purifiers work: Hexa Pure Technology

As more and more people are becoming aware of the close relation between contaminated water and waterborne disease, they are looking for a superior resolution that is also very easy to implement. It is a fact that throughout the country, drinking contaminated water kills several people every year. In such a scenario, using a water purifier to clean drinking water is the best method to ensure your own safety as well as of your family. Most companies that provide water purifier online offer the latest technology which is backed by comprehensive research and development at regular intervals. The latest technology that has been introduced in the sphere of water purifiers is Hexa Pure technology.

About Hexa Pure technology

The main function of water purification online is to get rid of various types of contaminants that are present in water without removing the essential minerals or altering the taste of water. This is considered one of the defining features of Hexa Pure technology which has been integrated into a new range of water purifiers introduced in the market in recent times. The Hexa RO water purification process uses 6 stages for providing healthy, pure and safe drinking water, whether it is home or office. The six stages through which the drinking water is purified with Hexa Pure technology are as follows –

  1. During the first stage, the technology uses dust pre-filter and spun-bounded polypropylene and the main function of this technology at this stage is to remove suspended impurities in water such as dust, rust, and particles.
  2. During the next and the second stage, the Hexa Pure technology uses inline carbon cartridge where granular activated carbon removes odor, color, chlorine as well as other organic impurities that are present in the water.
  3. During the third stage, this latest technology in the market uses sediment filter where spun-bounded polypropylene are used for removing turbidity, other similar contaminants as well as remaining particles from the drinking water.
  4. During the next stage, this advanced technology uses reverse osmosis membrane or TFC or thin film composite of 0.0001 microns to remove various chemicals such as hardness, TDS, fluorides, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, and pesticides, among others. Not only has that, during this stage, the technology also had the capability to remove bacteria, virus, and cysts. 
  5. The fifth stage of this process uses a cutting-edge Post-RO carbon cartridge where the activated silver impregnated granular carbon assists not only in reviving the original taste of drinking water, but also imparts a bacteriostatic property. 
  6. The last and final stage is divided into three steps and uses 3-1 silver doser, taste conditioner, and Mineralize. The first step here is to use silver dosing media to protect against bacterial contamination with silver dosing @ of 15-20 ppb. The second step in this stage is to optimize the taste of drinking water with pH Boosting Media and the final stage in this process is the use of the bio-ceramic mineral ball for retaining the essential minerals in the drinking water. 
Hence, the Hexa Pure is leaps and bounds ahead of other water filtration systems available in the market today. Some advantages of Hexa Pure technology are as follows –

  1. This technology offers faster anti-bacterial action vis a vis other technologies that are present in the market.
  2. When compared to other technologies in the market, this technology offers a very powerful and non-toxic anti-bacterial alternative.
  3. The technology offers a lower attrition rate when compared with other alternatives
  4. The application of this technology inhibits the growth of algae and another micro-organism in the water purifier that is installed in the premises.
  5. The application of Hexa Pure technology limits the propagation of various micro-organisms inside the water tank in the installed gadget.
  6. The use of Hexa Pure technology increases the shelf life of not only the purified water but also of the water purifier. 

How to protect your child against allergens?

Though Indian parents usually ignore this fact, but the increasing rate of allergies in children is an alarming cause for concern. And the...